Was ist M-Code?
Ähnlich wie beim G-Code beginnen auch die Befehle des M-Codes mit dem Buchstaben "M" (für Maschine).
Der M-Code repräsentiert Hilfsbefehle, die alle nicht-geometrischen Aktionen der Maschine steuern, wie zum Beispiel das Anhalten von Programmen, die Drehzahl der Lüfter und das Abschalten des 3D-Druckers beim Auftreten von Problemen.
Auch bei den M-Codes gibt es Unterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen 3D-Druckern. Einige erlauben das Weglassen der Null zwischen dem Buchstaben und der Zahl, andere nicht.
Hier die M-Codes der Marlin Firmware im Detail:
M0-M1 - Unconditional stop
Stop and wait for user
M3 - Spindle CW / Laser On
Set the spindle CW speed or laser power
M4 - Spindle CCW / Laser On
Set the spindle CCW speed or laser power
M5 - Spindle / Laser Off
Turn off spindle or laser
M7-M9 - Coolant Controls
Turn mist or flood coolant on / off
M16 - Expected Printer Check
Prevent G-code usage on the wrong machine
M17 - Enable Steppers
Enable steppers
M18, M84 - Disable steppers
Disable steppers (same as M84)
M20 - List SD Card
List the contents of the SD Card
M21 - Init SD card
Attempt to detect an SD card in the slot
M22 - Release SD card
Simulate ejection of the SD card
M23 - Select SD file
Select an SD file to be executed
M24 - Start or Resume SD print
Start or resume a file selected with ['M23'](/docs/gcode/M023.html)
M25 - Pause SD print
Pause printing from the SD card
M26 - Set SD position
Set the SD read position
M27 - Report SD print status
Print SD progress to serial
M28 - Start SD write
Start writing to a file on the SD card
M29 - Stop SD write
Stop writing the file, end logging
M30 - Delete SD file
Delete a specified file from SD
M31 - Print time
Report the current print time
M32 - Select and Start
Begin an SD print from a file
M33 - Get Long Path
Convert a short pathname to a long pathname
M34 - SDCard Sorting
Set SDCard file sorting options
M42 - Set Pin State
Set an analog or digital pin to a specified state
M43 T - Toggle Pins
Get information about pins
M43 - Debug Pins
Get information about pins
M48 - Probe Accuracy Test
Measure Z Probe repeatability
M73 - Set Print Progress
Set current print progress percentage for LCD
M75 - Start Print Job Timer
Start the print job timer
M76 - Pause Print Job
Pause the print job timer
M77 - Stop Print Job Timer
Stop the print job timer
M78 - Print Job Stats
Print statistics about print jobs
M80 - Power On
Turn on the power supply
M81 - Power Off
Turn off the power supply
M82 - E Absolute
Set E to absolute positioning
M83 - E Relative
Set E to relative positioning
M85 - Inactivity Shutdown
Set the inactivity timeout
M92 - Set Axis Steps-per-unit
Set the number of steps-per-mm or steps-per-inch
M100 - Free Memory
Observe memory used by code
M1000 - Internal Use Only
Resume from Power Loss
M1001 - Internal Use Only
Run SD Print Finishing Actions
M104 - Set Hotend Temperature
Set a new target hot end temperature
M105 - Report Temperatures
Send a temperature report to the host
M106 - Set Fan Speed
Turn on the fan and set its speed
M107 - Fan Off
Turn off a fan
M108 - Break and Continue
Break out of the current waiting loop
M109 - Wait for Hotend Temperature
Wait for the hot end to reach its target
M110 - Set Line Number
Set the current line number
M111 - Debug Level
Report and optionally set the debug flags
M112 - Emergency Stop
Shut everything down and halt the machine
M113 - Host Keepalive
Get or set the host keepalive interval
M114 - Get Current Position
Report the current tool position to the host
M115 - Firmware Info
Print the firmware info and capabilities
M117 - Set LCD Message
Set the message line on the LCD
M118 - Serial print
Send text to serial
M119 - Endstop States
Report endstop and probe states to the host
M120 - Enable Endstops
Enable endstops and keep them enabled when not homing
M121 - Disable Endstops
Disable endstops and keep them enabled when not homing
M122 - TMC Debugging
Get TMC Debug Info
M125 - Park Head
Save current position and move to filament change position
M126 - Baricuda 1 Open
Open the valve for Baricuda 1
M127 - Baricuda 1 Close
Close the valve for Baricuda 1
M128 - Baricuda 2 Open
Open the valve for Baricuda 2
M129 - Baricuda 2 Close
Close the valve for Baricuda 2
M140 - Set Bed Temperature
Set a new target bed temperature
M141 - Set Chamber Temperature
Set a new target chamber temperature
M145 - Set Material Preset
Set material presets in the LCD menu
M149 - Set Temperature Units
Set temperature units to Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin
M150 - Set RGB(W) Color
Set the color of the RGB(W) LED, backlight, or LED strip
M155 - Temperature Auto-Report
Auto-report temperatures to host periodically
M163 - Set Mix Factor
Set a single mix factor for a mixing extruder
M164 - Save Mix
Save the current mix as a virtual tool
M165 - Set Mix
Set all mix factors for the mixing extruder
M166 - Gradient Mix
Set a Gradient Mix
M190 - Wait for Bed Temperature
Wait for the bed to reach target temperature
M191 - Wait for Chamber Temperature
Wait for the chamber to reach target temperature
M192 - Wait for Probe temperature
Wait for the probe temperature sensor to reach a target
M200 - Set Filament Diameter
Set the diameter for volumetric extrusion
M201 - Set Print Max Acceleration
Set maximum acceleration for print moves one or more axes
M203 - Set Max Feedrate
Set maximum feedrate for one or more axes
M204 - Set Starting Acceleration
Set the starting acceleration for moves by type
M205 - Set Advanced Settings
Set some advanced settings related to movement
M206 - Set Home Offsets
Apply a persistent offset
M207 - Set Firmware Retraction
Set options for firmware-based retraction
M208 - Firmware Recover
Firmware-retraction recover settings
M209 - Set Auto Retract
Enable / disable auto-retraction
M211 - Software Endstops
Set and/or get the software endstops state
M217 - Filament swap parameters
Set length and speed for filament swapping
M218 - Set Hotend Offset
Set the offset of a hotend (from hotend 0)
M220 - Set Feedrate Percentage
Set the global feedrate percentage
M221 - Set Flow Percentage
set the flow percentage, which applies to all E moves
M226 - Wait for Pin State
Wait for a pin to have a given state
M240 - Trigger Camera
Trigger a camera shutter
M250 - LCD Contrast
Set and/or get the LCD contrast
M260 - I2C Send
Send data to the I2C bus
M261 - I2C Request
Request and echo bytes from the I2C bus
M280 - Servo Position
Set or get a servo position
M281 - Edit Servo Angles
Set servo deploy and/or stow angles
M290 - Babystep
Babystep one or more axes
M300 - Play Tone
Play a single tone, buzz, or beep
M301 - Set Hotend PID
Set PID values for a hotend
M302 - Cold Extrude
Set minimum extrusion temperature, allow cold extrusion
M303 - PID autotune
Auto-tune the PID system to find stable values
M304 - Set Bed PID
Set PID values for the heated bed
M305 - User Thermistor Parameters
Set (or report) custom thermistor parameters
M350 - Set micro-stepping
Set micro-stepping for drivers that support it
M351 - Set Microstep Pins
Directly set the micro-stepping pins
M355 - Case Light Control
Turn the case light on or off, set brightness
M360 - SCARA Theta A
Move to Theta A
M361 - SCARA Theta-B
Move to Theta-B
M362 - SCARA Psi-A
Move to Psi-A
M363 - SCARA Psi-B
Move to Psi-B
M364 - SCARA Psi-C
Move to Psi-C
M380 - Activate Solenoid
M381 - Deactivate Solenoids
Deactivate all extruder solenoids
M400 - Finish Moves
Wait for all moves to finish
M401 - Deploy Probe
Deploy the bed probe
M402 - Stow Probe
Stow the bed probe
M403 - MMU2 Filament Type
Set filament type for Multi-Material Unit 2.0
M404 - Set Filament Diameter
Set the nominal diameter for filament width sensor auto-flow
M405 - Filament Width Sensor On
Enable filament width sensor flow control
M406 - Filament Width Sensor Off
Disable filament width sensor flow control
M407 - Filament Width
Report the measured filament width
M410 - Quickstop
Stop all steppers instantly
M412 - Filament Runout
Enable / disable filament runout detection
M413 - Power-loss Recovery
Enable / disable power-loss recovery
M420 - Bed Leveling State
Get and/or set bed leveling state and parameters
M421 - Set Mesh Value
Set a single mesh Z height
M422 - Set Z Motor XY
Set a Z motor position for G34 Auto-Alignment
M425 - Backlash compensation
Enable and tune backlash compensation
M428 - Home Offsets Here
Set home offsets based on current position
M430 - Power Monitor
Read and display current (A), voltage (V), and power (W)
M486 - Cancel Objects
Identify and cancel objects
M500 - Save Settings
Save settings to EEPROM
M501 - Restore Settings
Restore settings from EEPROM
M502 - Factory Reset
Restore all settings to factory defaults
M503 - Report Settings
Report all settings that may be saved to EEPROM
M504 - Validate EEPROM contents
Validate the contents of the EEPROM
M510 - Lock Machine
Lock the machine if it has a passcode
M511 - Unlock Machine
Unlock the machine if it has a passcode
M512 - Set Passcode
Set a numeric passcode for locking the machine
M524 - Abort SD print
Abort an SD print started with ['M24'](/docs/gcode/M024.html)
M540 - Endstops Abort SD
Abort SD printing when an endstop is triggered
M569 - Set TMC stepping mode
Toggle stealthChop
M575 - Serial baud rate
Change the serial baud rate
M600 - Filament Change
Automatically change filament
M603 - Configure Filament Change
Configure automatic filament change parameters
M605 - Dual Nozzle Mode
Set the behavior mode for dual nozzles
M665 - SCARA Configuration
Set SCARA geometry values
M665 - Delta Configuration
Set delta geometry values
M666 - Set dual endstop offsets
Set dual endstop offsets
M666 - Set Delta endstop adjustments
Set Delta endstop adjustments
M672 - Test Speed Warning
Set/clear Duet Smart Effector sensitivity
M701 - Load filament
Load filament
M702 - Unload filament
Unload filament
M710 - Controller Fan settings
Set or report controller fan settings
M7219 - MAX7219 Control
Control Max7219 Segmented LEDs
M810-M819 - G-code macros
Set/execute one of ten G-code macros
M851 - XYZ Probe Offset
Set the Z probe XYZ offset from nozzle
M852 - Bed Skew Compensation
Misalignment in the XYZ axes
M860-M869 - I2C Position Encoders
I2C position encoders for closed loop control
M871 - Probe temperature config
Configure probe temperature compensation
M876 - Handle Prompt Response
Handle Host prompt responses
M900 - Linear Advance Factor
Get and set Linear Advance K value
M906 - TMC Motor Current
Set the motor current (in milliamps)
M907 - Set Motor Current
Set motor current via digital trimpot
M908 - Set Trimpot Pins
Set a digital trimpot directly
M909 - DAC Print Values
Report DAC current values to host
M910 - Commit DAC to EEPROM
Commit digipot/DAC value to external EEPROM
M911 - TMC OT Pre-Warn Condition
Driver overtemperature pre-warn condition
M912 - Clear TMC OT Pre-Warn
Clear overtemperature pre-warn condition flag
M913 - Set Hybrid Threshold Speed
TMC driver switching to spreadCycle
M914 - TMC Bump Sensitivity
Set sensorless homing sensitivity
M915 - TMC Z axis calibration
Align ends of the Z axis and test torque
M916 - L6474 Thermal Warning Test
Find L6474 drive level (KVAL_HOLD) threshold
M917 - L6474 Overcurrent Warning Test
Find L6474 minimum current thresholds
M918 - L6474 Speed Warning Test
Find L6474 speed threshold
M928 - Start SD Logging
Log serial input to an SD file
M951 - Magnetic Parking Extruder
Set / report Magnetic Parking Extruder settings
M993-M994 - SD / SPI Flash
load or back up SPI Flash and SD
M995 - Touch Screen Calibration
Touch screen calibration for TFT display
M997 - Firmware update
Perform in-application firmware update
M999 - STOP Restart
Return the machine to Running state
T0-T6 - Select Tool
Switch to the specified tool